Jeff Field & Associates

Existing Clients

Existing Clients

An ongoing commitment to our clients’ success

Jeff Field & Associates makes sure that our clients are taken care of throughout the bankruptcy process. We know that dealing with bankruptcy can be a stressful experience, and our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready to answer your questions. We have provided useful information for existing clients that allow them to find bankruptcy courts, monitor their cases and update us on any changes in status.

Find your bankruptcy court

Jeff Field & Associates handles cases in bankruptcy courts in the Northern and Middle Districts of Georgia. We have provided contact information for the courts below:

United States Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Georgia

United States Bankruptcy Court Middle District of Georgia

Monitor your Chapter 13 bankruptcy case

If you want to monitor the progress of your Chapter 13 case, you can visit this site to see how your case is progressing. Once your case has been confirmed, you can register with the site for free by entering in your case number and creating a username and password. Please bear in mind that your case data may not appear on the website until two or three weeks after your meeting of creditors hearing.

To better serve our clients, we have also provided contact information for bankruptcy trustees serving the Northern and Middle Districts of Georgia.

During your case

Our lives are always changing and sometimes these changes can affect your case. Please fill out our Change of Status form if you have had a change in circumstances (i.e., new address, change in marital status or employment, loss of income, health issues, etc.) and submit to your contact person.

During your case you may receive paperwork from the Court or Trustee with a hearing date. Below are several of the most common types of actions you might receive. Click on the form for additional information and actions you may take.

It is essential to act upon the paperwork your receive and return these forms to our office as soon as possible. Problems must be addressed prior to your hearing date. If not, you could run the risk of having the stay lifted on property or having your case dismissed.

Always ready to lend a helping hand

If at any time during your case you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready to help.   Thanks.